Instituto Dermatológico Globalderm

viernes, 6 de abril de 2012


The aesthetic is part of our culture. There is a large increase in these procedures in recent years. In a previous post we reviewed the types of patients who underwent this type of techniques. (

 However, besides the clear cosmetic benefit, there is increasing evidence that feel better correlates with improvement in mood and depression in people who have it.

Has just been published a study on the improvement in 15 women with depression thanks to the aesthetic treatment expression wrinkles of the glabella and forehead with botulinum toxin (Botox). The study compared this group with 15 other women who were injected with placebo (Wollmer, 2012). The authors relate the mood with the contraction of the muscles of expression and its improvement when it relaxes.

A similar effect was observed in a previous publication a few years ago. (Lewis, 2009).

Although still there are few studies, it seems reasonable to assume that the treatment of expression wrinkles serve not only to acquire a more youthful appearance but also an impact on mood and depression. in other words, it is also healthier.

These studies, albeit with a small number of patients, at least open the door to approach that in the future are possible other treatment strategies for people with mood disorders and depression.


  1. Lewis MB. Botulinum toxin cosmetic therapy correlates with a more positive mood. J Cosmet Dermatol 2009; 8(1):24-6.
  2. Wollmer MA et al. Facing depression with botulinum toxin: a randomized controlled trial. J Psyquiatr Res 2012; Feb 23 [Epud ahead of print].

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